AI can be used to generate design documentation for ui elements. It can also be used to generate color palette variations using tools such as Coolers
The generating design patterns can be used to help identify and test various designs that work well with the given target audiences.
Template for prompt: Write a design system documentation for a [UI Element]? Represent in a table with the states like default, clicked, hover, active, focus, and disabled. Describe these states with design token (colour, font)
Prompt: Design Documentation for a Input Box: Give me a sample documentation for an input box of height 44px . Include component anatomy such has height, padding, color, text size, shadows etc. in a table format. Also Include usage guideline, sample use cases, do's and dont's. In a table format along with their respective tokens.
Component Anatomy | Token | Value |
Height | $input-height | 44px |
Padding | $input-padding | 8px |
Background Color | $input-bg-color | #FFFFFF |
Text Color | $input-text-color | #333333 |
Border Color | $input-border-color | #CCCCCC |
Border Radius | $input-border-radius | 4px |
Text Size | $input-text-size | 14px |
Box Shadow | $input-box-shadow | 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) |
Usage Guidelines:
Sample Use Cases:
Remember to adapt and customize this sample documentation to match your specific design system, token naming conventions, and guidelines.
Template for Prompt: Can you suggest primary, secondary and tertiary colors for an [App / Website]? Represent in a table.
Prompt: Can you suggest primary, secondary and tertiary colors for a [Basketball News App/Website]? Represent in a table.
Certainly! Here's a suggestion for primary, secondary, and tertiary colors for a Basketball News App/Website, represented in a table:
Color Usage | Color Name | Hex Value |
Primary Color | Midnight Blue | #003366 |
Secondary Color | Gold | #FFD700 |
Tertiary Color | White Smoke | #F5F5F5 |
Accent Color | Electric Blue | #00FFFF |
Text Color | Charcoal Gray | #333333 |
Background Color | Snow White | #FFFFFF |
Please note that these color choices are just suggestions, and you can adapt them to fit your specific branding and design preferences.
Prompt: What design patterns work best for a digital banking application?
Design patterns that work best for a digital banking application are those that prioritize usability, security, and clear communication of financial information. Here are some design patterns commonly used in digital banking applications:
Simple and Intuitive Navigation: Implement a clear and straightforward navigation system that allows users to easily access different sections of the application, such as accounts, transactions, payments, and settings.
Clear and Concise Information Hierarchy: Present financial information in a structured manner, ensuring important details like account balances, recent transactions, and upcoming payments are prominently displayed for quick reference.
Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimize the application for mobile devices, as many users prefer to manage their finances on smartphones and tablets. Ensure the interface adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions.
Consistent and Familiar UI Elements: Use consistent visual elements, such as buttons, forms, and icons, across the application to create familiarity and ease of use. Maintain consistency with commonly recognized banking interface conventions to ensure user confidence.
Security and Authentication Measures: Implement strong security measures, including secure login methods like biometric authentication (fingerprint, face recognition), two-factor authentication, and encryption of sensitive data. Clearly communicate to users that their information is protected.
Efficient Transaction Flows: Streamline the process of making payments, transfers, and other financial transactions by reducing the number of steps required and providing clear guidance at each stage. Offer predefined templates for common transactions to expedite the process.
Personalization and Customization: Provide users with options to personalize their banking experience, such as customizing dashboard layouts, setting up notifications for account activities, and creating shortcuts for frequently performed actions.
Accessible Design: Ensure the application meets accessibility guidelines, making it usable for individuals with disabilities. Consider features like text-to-speech, high contrast modes, and keyboard navigation options.
Help and Support: Offer easily accessible help and support features, including FAQs, live chat, and contact information for customer support, enabling users to quickly find assistance when needed.
Data Visualization and Insights: Use data visualization techniques to present financial trends, spending patterns, and budgeting insights to users. Visual representations like charts and graphs can help users understand their financial situation more easily.
Remember, while these design patterns can provide a solid foundation, it's crucial to conduct user research, gather feedback, and iterate on the design based on your specific target audience's needs and preferences.