Avatar Clothes Assets

Avatar Clothing

Clothing for the digital avatar.

The top of the avatar has three procedural clothing variations: a plain top, a checkered top, and a sample pattern top; and a non-procedural image pattern top.

For the procedural variations:

  • The checkered top has a stripe variation.
  • All but the pattern top can have variations in color applied.

THe procedural variations can be "baked" as needed for deployments which cannot handle such shaders:

For the non-procedural variation:

  • Variations on the image pattern can be applied.
  • The images are assumed to be 2 x 1 (width to height), with the left half mapping to the front of the top geometry.
  • Some examples are:

  • For one variation an addition 3D "logo" can be associated with it. The material on that logo is fixed.

The bottom of the avatar uses one material with color variations possible.

Both the top and bottom have a bump texture applied to provide some roughness. The bump texture for plain colored and image patterned tops are the same. The texture bottom is different than the one used for the tops.

The geometry was created in Blender with materials created using MaterialX editor. Geometry is in glTF and materials in MaterialX data formats respectively. Color textures were scanned in and bump maps created based on these. Environment from PolyHaven


Material File